Reality Show.
«La Política y la Economía mundial giran alrededor de lo que llamamos petróleo. Desde la desgarradora guerra de Irak hasta el agotamiento de Nigeria, todo para conseguir un único fin, el petróleo. Nosotros, el proletariado nos volcamos enseguida en ayudar a las víctimas de esta política de destrucción. Los piratas de otros países acuden en manada a nuevas zonas vírgenes en busca de reservas no explotadas de petróleo para finalmente, aprovechar del proletariado que se encuentra en apuros.
Mi obra titulada “The Reality Show” es una tentativa para destapar las políticas que giran alrededor del petróleo. Las cartas, la forma de vida de la hambrienta marina, las tierras sedientas, los grandes juegos de mesa son simplemente una manifestación de la verdad que se esconde detrás de la columna vertebral de este tema, el petróleo».
«Global politics and economy is now pivoted around what we call Oil. Starting from the war-torn Iraq to the dried-up Nigeria – all lead to a single thing, Oil. We, the commoners are consequently turned into helpless victims of this politics of destruction. Pirates from distant lands are flocking to new pastures in search of unexplored oil reserves to eventually suck on the struggling common people.
My artwork titled “The Reality Show” is an attempt to reveal the Politics revolving around Oil. The cards, the starving marine life forms, the parched lands, the Board Game titans are all a mere symbolic manifestation of the Truth that lies behind this bone of contention, Oil».
Anisuzzaman Mamun.
Pregunta–¿De dónde viene tu interés por el arte?
Respuesta–Desde los primeros años de mi infancia, me quedé completamente cautivado con las obras de Shilpacharay Joynul Abedin. Mi interés, al igual que mi barrio, crecieron con estas obras de color y sombras.
P–¿Cómo se definiría Anisuzzaman Mamun a sí mismo?
R–Anisuzzaman Mamun no es simplemente un ser humano, sino también es una gran combinación de estéticas, pensamientos de la población junto con su sencillez y complejidad.
P–¿Es tu arte un forma activa de protesta?
R–Por supuesto, el reflejo de mis inquietudes lo expreso en el arte. Mi lógica es arte. Mis sentimientos, mi protesta y todos los fenómenos de trabajo conducen a un fin que es mi arte.
P–¿Cuál es la situación actual de tu país?
R–Una masacre de disturbios, lo que en este momento sucede en Bangladésh es un infierno propio de la democracia.
P–España está sumida en un profunda crisis económica, ¿cuál es la imagen de España en tu país?
R–España es considerada como una peregrinación cultural desde mi país. Pensamos que España tiene una situación cultural pendiente sin resolver. Esta situación nunca cambia independientemente de que España esté o no en crisis.
Question–Where did your interest in art come from?
Answer–Since the very beginning of my childhood, I was totally enthralled with the paintings of Shilpacharya Joynul Abedin. My interest as well as my peripherry were fully grown up with these painting color and shade.
Q–How does Anisuzzaman Mamun define himself?
A–Anisuzzaman Mamun is not only a single human being, but also a huge amount of combination of aesthetics, People’s thoughts and their simplicity & complexity.
Q–Is it your art an active way to protest?
A–Of course, My expression of interest goes to art. My logic also goes to art. My feelings, my protest all the working phenomenon results to an end and that is my art.
Q–What is the current situation of your country?
A–A turmoil of massacre, A hell of typical democracy is currently going on in Bangladesh.
Q–Spain is strongly affected by the financial crisis, what is the image of Spain in your country?
A–Spain is considered as the pilgrim of culture in my country. We think Spain as the land of outstanding cultural scenario. This scenario never changes whether Spain financially strong or not.
Entrevistador: Ricardo Ortega Olmedo.
Traducción: Carmen Martínez Losa.
Obras / Artworks:
Entrevista a Anisuzzaman Mamun by Ricardo Ortega Olmedo / Carmen Martínez Losa / Anisuzzaman Mamun is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional License.
Acento cultural, número 6, febrero 2015, ISSN: 2386-7213
[El contenido de esta página web y sus textos, son propiedad de sus autores. Corresponde a ACENTO y a sus autores los derechos de explotación de este contenido registrado bajo nuestra publicación digital con ISSN: 2386-7213. Este material está protegido con la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual y su difusión total o parcial está permitida siempre y cuando se cite el enlace de esta web o la autoría de los creadores. Muchas gracias.]
Personal Information:
Name: Anisuzzaman Mamun.
Nationality: Bangladeshi.
# M.F.A.-Painting(appear) Institute of Fine Arts, Chittagong University,
# B.F.A.- Honours (painting)-2010, Institute of Fine Arts, Chittagong
University, Bangladesh.
# B.F.A. (Pre-Degree)-2006, Khulna Art College, National University,
# S.S.C- 2000, B.N. School & College, Chittagong, Chittagong Board.
Award & Scholarship:
*2013- Dipa Hoq Award at 20th National Art Exhibition 2013, National Art
gallery, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka.
* 2012-Honourable Mention in 18th Young Artist’s Art Exhibition
Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka.
* 2012-Best Youth Artist in 5th Friendship Art Exhibition by Youth Society,
Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka. Bangladesh.
* 2012-Honourable Mention in War of Liberation in the context of Art and
our 40years of Independence, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy,
Dhaka. Bangladesh.
* 2010- 4th Award In 15th Barger young painter’s Art Competition, Zainul
gallery. Bangladesh.
* 2010- 2nd Award In Memory Of Father Of The Nation ,Art Competition ,
Govt. Art College, Chittagong. Bangladesh.
* 2006- Monthly Scholarship by Aminul Islam Trast, Dhaka. Bangladesh.
# 2013-Trainer- artist Monsurul Karim- Experimental Landscape, Bunon Art
Space, Rajbari. Bangladesh.
# 2012-Trainer- artist Monsurul Karim-Contemporary painting, Bunon Art
Space, Rajbari. Bangladesh.
# 2012-Trainer- artist Abdus Sattar, Media –Water
Color,Maynamati,Comilla. Bangladesh.
# 2011- Trainer- artist Fransisco Diogo Monoj from Spain, Experimental
Painting, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
# 2011- Trainer- artist Aloptogin Tushar, Media- Water Colour, Shilpokala
Academy, Banglades.
# 2011-Trainer –Shakur shah , Alokesh Ghosh, Biren Shom, Water colour ,
Exhibition :
*2013- 20th National Art Exhibition 2013,Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka.
* 2013-18th Barger Young painter’s Art Competition, Zainul gallery, Faculty of
fine arts University of Dhaka. Bangladesh.
* 2013-Exhibition for Celebrating 100 Years of National Museum, Dhaka.
* 2013- Nawab Sir Shamsul Huda Painting Award 2013, Gulshan Club, Dhaka.
*2013- Freedom of Thoughts Bangladesh-Japan Contemporary Art Festival.
5th Kahal Art Competition & Exhibition. National Art gallery, Bangladesh
Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka.
* 2012-15th Asian Art Biennale Bangladesh, National Art gallery, Bangladesh
Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka.
* 2012-17th Barger Young painter’s Art Competition, Zainul gallery, Faculty of
fine arts University of Dhaka. Bangladesh.
* 2012- Dhaka Art Summit-2012, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka.
* 2012- 18th Young Artist Art Exhibition, Shilpokala Art Gallery, Dhaka.
* 2012- 5th Friendship Art Exhibition by Youth Society, Bangladesh Shilpakala
Academy, Dhaka.
* 2012- Nawab Sir Shamsul Huda Painting Award, Gulshan Club, Dhaka.
* 2011- 9th Art Exhibition & Competition in Commemoration of Artist Rashed,
Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka. Bangladesh.
* 2011- Porapara Experimental Painting Workshop & Exhibition, Theatre Institute
Chittagong. Bangladesh.
* 2011- Art exhibition in Chittagong Local festival, Shilpokala Academy.
Chittagong. Bangladesh.
* 2011- 19th National Art Exhibition, Shilpokala Art Gallery, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
* 2011- Annual Art Exhibition, Institute of Fine arts Chittagong University.
Chittagong. Bangladesh.
* 2011- Creators Art Carnival, Exhibition & Competition. Drik Gallery, Dhaka,
* 2011- Shajonto Nobin Boron Art Exhibition, Institute of Fine Arts, Chittagong
University. Bangladesh.
* 2011- Standard Chartered Sreejoni, Water Color Art Exhibition, Art Center
Dhaka. Bangladesh.
* 2011- Water Color Workshop & Exhibition, Shilpokala Academy, Chittagong .
* 2011- Nawab Sir Shamsul Huda Painting Award, Gulshan Club.Dhaka.
* 2010-15th Barger young painter’s Art c Competition, Zainul gallery, Faculty of
fine arts University of Dhaka. Bangladesh.
* 2010-12 Young Artist Water Color Exhibition, Shilpokala Academe, Chittagong.
* 2008- Annul Art Exhibition Govt. Art College, Chittagong. Bangladesh.
* 2006- DOBKA 7 Young Artist Group Exhibition, Khulna Press Club, Khulna.
* 2005- Group Art Exhibition-2005, Khulna Art College, Khulna. Bangladesh.
# Collected by Bangladesh Shilpokala Academe, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
# Collected by China Bangladesh Friendship Society, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
# Collected by Barger Paint Bangladesh.
# Collected by Standard Chartered Bank, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
# Collected by S.A. Group, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
# Collected by Bangladesh Navy Chittagong & Khulna Brace.
And a lot of private collection.